Mossing Around With Dr. Hazrina
"Stop getting yourself confused with Algae, Mosses are not Algae". - Dr. Nik Norhazrina, Pangkor Scientific Expedition 2017.
Upon hearing her research on moss, I skeptically asked myself “Why moss?” as many of us usually considered moss as a 'non revenue' plant.
But moss in fact is a big contributor to our planet's ecosystem according to Dr. Nik Norhazrina Nik Mohd Kamil of UKM.
"Moss is a pioneer plant, they are the first to lay the footing of a future forest. They trap and retain water. They are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and sterile."
"So what triggered your interest in moss?" I then asked her assistant, Ms. Farhani. "Moss are very esthetic, they are like small trees with twigs, branches, minute leaves and they are beautiful.
"Ms. Syazwana Munzani, another team member added that moss is very unique. "Do you know that in Europe, they are cleaning up the air using moss?"
Dr. Hazrina then added "Moss has a characteristic that can absorb and contain pollutants such as heavy metals and chemicals.

There is a lot that needs to be discovered about moss. We need more experts and conduct more studies to really understand it's potential.""
I hope that we might be able to find some new species of moss here in Pangkor. We will do our best and enjoy our time here."