ECOMY’s signature event for the second time running was another resounding success.
This year, apart from Lewis & Clark College, Portland, we had 2 new dedicated corporate partners i.e. Veritas Design Group & Haskell Malaysia. The Bird Group Taman Negara remains our local partner to help us monitor the project equipment and continuously engage with the community of Kampung Aur, Tembeling River (Taman Negara).
This indigenous community of Bateq lives off the grid and was very warm in their welcome towards our approach to furnish them with easy use mobile camping solar panels and lights. 15 units were presented to 15 happy households.
Project volunteers did more.. even helped in building a centralized charging table for the units to be used, using only materials selected by the Bateq!
This full day exercise even included a tour of the village, contribution of essentials by Veritas Design Group, a session on how to use the equipment and a lunch meal between the volunteers and the community to foster better understanding and relationship building. By night fall on the 18th, all equipment were tested and handed over to the community.
ECOMY would like to thank all our friends - Lewis & Clark College, Veritas Design Group, Haskell Malaysia, Bird Group Taman Negara, media friends and the community of Kampung Aur for making us feel at home.