Another Amazing Community Work with Yayasan Hasanah
Thank you to amazing Yayasan Hasanah - ECOMY is happy to report that we have successfully & fully completed our task to support the village of Yong (Kampung Yong), along the Tembeling River, Pahang.
The village now has clean water supply, powered by an outstanding submersible solar water pump, individual Life Straw 2.0 units for each home, individual Sun King Pro solar lights, 2 toilets with the best views of Tembeling River (complete with solid sewage system), a large wakaf for the community to gather, kids to sit and learn, for them to work and hold gatherings etc.
The villages were also given WASH training (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) by Global Peace Foundation as well as a few of them trained by the BGTN on how to build and maintain these structures! No outside workers were engaged for all the work, we hired and trained the young men of the villages!
We are grateful to the people of Kampung Yong for their trust and we look forward to maintaining this facilities for the next 2 years.
Our project partners were instrumental and an inspiration! Thank you Bird Group Taman Negara (BGTN) & Global Peace Foundation. We are also humbled with the support from PERHILITAN (Taman Negara, Kuala Tahan), JKKK Kuala Tahan and JHOA (Jerantut). We can now focus on being safe, staying well and preparing to do more good especially in this COVID scenario.

#YayasanHasanah #HeroHasanah #reconnectingpeopletothenaturalworld #EcoMy #tellittotheuniverse #bateqcommunity #DoTheRightThings
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