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The sound of hornbills’ echoes in the 10th Asian Bird Fair 2019

For the first time, the 10th Asian Bird Fair (ABF) will be hosted in Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak. This will be the second time Malaysia is hosting this gathering of birders, NGOs and service providers from all around the world. Called the Land of Hornbills, Sarawak is also home to over 650 species of birds, 60 of which are endemic to the island of Borneo. This is among other reasons why ABF landed here this year.

This superb event will be joined by delegates from Cambodia, Australia, Kenya, Mongolia, Nepal, Panama, Peru, Philippines, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Spain, United States of America, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Uganda and Argentina. More than 70 booths will showcase different species of birds and attractive tours from various countries.

The five-day event will consist of birdwatching and exhibitions, and a post-event birdwatching tour that will take visitors through key sites in Kuching has been scheduled. Among other activities include guided walk, colouring contest, public talks and also international forum.

The 10th Asian Bird Fair will not only showcase our unique and amazing resident birds of Sarawak but also to expose and let the delegates and locals to discover Kuching through interesting tours, talks and fun-filled nature inspired activities that have been planned!

The 10th ABF will be launched by YB Datuk Haji Abd Karim Rahman Hamzah, Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Sarawak, and Minister for Youth and Sports Sarawak.

The Chief Executive Officer of Ecotourism & Conservation Society of Malaysia (ECOMY), Mr Andrew Sebastian said, “This event attempts to generate appreciation and delight in the natural world, its wild species of birds and habitats, making people better aware of what they ought to do to conserve natural resource. There’s a lot to enjoy and be inspired by at the Asian Bird Fair, whether you’re an experienced birder, keen amateur, just starting out or spending time with your family. Join us and celebrate the event.”

This annual event is established to promote the protection of birds and their habitats, promote birdwatching as a niche tourism product, and promoting environmental protection and sustainable development especially in Malaysia. The event is organized by Ecotourism and Conservation Society Malaysia (ECOMY) in collaboration with Tourism Malaysia, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Sarawak, Sarawak Convention Bureau, Sarawak Tourism Board, and Kuching Birdwatching Club.

Asian Bird Fair (ABF)

The ABF is founded by six organisations from Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia with the aim to highlight and showcase different bird fairs across Asia, to promote the protection of birds and their habitats, encourage bird watching and promote various ecotourism activities.

For more information about the 10th Asian Bird Fair, please click here.


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